A serious threat to our WV State Spay Neuter Fund (WVSNP) is a federal bill which if passed would kill our state spay neuter funding and reduce our pet food safety!
Say NO to HR 7380 The PURR Act supports only the Federal regulation of Pet food, removing the state entirely from the process.
Right now, both FDA and the State regulate and inspect pet food. Why eliminate the state, removing these dollars from the state level and removing a level of safety for pet food with this bill? This is a bad bill nationally and a bad bill for WV.
Oppose HR 7380 and help us in WV continue our good work in controlling pet overpopulation and having safe pet food. Taking WV money out of the state to the federal level would destroy our state grant program. Call your congressional leaders in Congress – House Reps Mooney and Miller, Sen. Manchin and Capito
Say YES to HR 3894 Greyhound Protection Act : would outlaw remote gambling and moving greyhounds from interstate commerce. Therefore, it would shut down greyhound racing nationwide and finally the last two tracks in America that are in WV.
It never stops since the slaughter continues with horses being exported to slaughter! We need this bill!
Say YES to The Save America’s Forgotten Equines (SAFE) Act (H.R. 3475/S. 2037) –
The SAFE Act would permanently prohibit American horses from commercial slaughter by expanding the Dog and Cat Meat Prohibition Act to include equines, prohibit the commercial slaughter of horses in the U.S., and end their export for that purpose abroad.
Say YES to H.R.2742/S. 1529 – FIGHT Act
The FIGHT Act, H.R. 2742, would enhance enforcement opportunities under current dogfighting and cockfighting including: banning all simulcasting and gambling on animal fights in the U.S.; halt the shipment of mature roosters (it is already illegal to ship dogs through the mail); allow private right of action against illegal animal fighters; and enhance forfeiture provisions to include real property used in the commission of an animal fighting crime.
This bill expands protections of animals provided under the Animal Welfare Act, including by prohibiting any (1) broadcasts from international, interstate, or intrastate sources of animal fighting ventures in the United States or U.S. territories; and (2) shipments or transport of certain mature roosters.
Who do you call in WV?
Sen Joe Manchin 202-224-3954 and
Sen. Shelley Moore Capito 202-224-6472
Carol Miller – 1st Cong. Dist. Southern WV 202-225-3452
Alex Mooney – 2nd Cong. Dist. Northern WV 202-225-2711